Yasmine Khan
Business Psychologist and Coach
for Creative Agencies

I’m a sought-after business psychologist and coach working exclusively with founders, leaders, leadership teams and key employees within ambitious creative, marketing and media agencies.


Working with agency founders

Working with
agency founders

As a founder/CEO you need to lead now, more than ever.

The markets are working against you. You have to be prepared to make big calls and tough decisions as well as be the energy force in the agency.

This can be an incredibly stressful and lonesome time.

I can help you get through it with one-to-one executive coaching designed to get you back to leading with clarity and confidence.

"Literally transformative. From eradicating negative inner voices to giving sage advice in defusing conflict she's a secret superpower for leaders' personal growth."
Managing Director
Working with senior leadership teams

Working with
senior leadership teams

The world is changing. Clients are stalling. Forecasting is getting harder.

How do you stay true to your strategic plan in the face of a financial crisis and what challenges does that present for your SLT/ leadership team?

Do you hunker down, cut costs, and increase your marketing budget? Do you revise your forecasts and business plan? How do you get everybody to double down and focus on what's important? How can you make your SLT stronger for this experience?

I can work with each SLT member, and as a team, to ensure they perform at their best.

"I’d recommend her to anyone looking to help form a leadership team, or wanting to get a team to work better together and help imbed a leadership culture within an agency."
Operations Director

Working with key employees

Working with
key employees

Managing culture through turbulent times with painful layoffs and redundancies, is incredibly hard for even the most seasoned companies. For agencies who have never experienced a recession this can be a chaotic and devastating time.

How do you keep it together, make the right decisions and battle the emotional demons that affect all of us? How do you give hope and support to all your staff and make them feel valued and committed to do their best work?

I can work with key individuals in your agency to provide bespoke personal development plans

"I was swept away by how Yasmine made the process so enjoyable and effortless. She helped me deal with some of my confidence demons and gave me the tools to nail the most daunting professional moments."
Head of Content
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    WIN with Yasmine Khan

    If you’re looking to create that winning feeling for your agency, your teams and yourself, that’s where I can help.

    It starts by making a commitment that intervention is better than procrastination or worst still, running to stand still.

    Once you make that winning move, it all becomes easier.

I'm registered with the British Psychological Society as a Psychologist. I have over 20 years’ experience backed by a degree in Psychology from Royal Holloway, followed by a Masters in Organisational Social Psychology from the prestigious London School of Economics (LSE). I've finessed my coaching skills by deep dives into the drivers of human behaviour through CBT, counselling, EMDR, ACT, Hypnosis and Mindfulness


Email: yasmine@winyk.com

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